
Service calender

Benefice of Stonesfield with Combe Longa

St Laurence Church Services for February and March 2025  

Sunday 16 February [3rd Sunday before Lent]

8am           Stonesfield        Holy Communion [BCP/said]

9.30am     Combe              Parish Communion

11am         Stonesfield        Parish Communion

 Wednesday 19th February

11am         Combe              Morning Prayer


Sunday    23 February     [Second Sunday before Lent]

8am           Stonesfield        Holy Communion [BCP/said]

9.30am     Combe              Parish Communion

11am         Stonesfield        Parish Communion

Sunday 2 March [Sunday next before Lent]

8am           Stonesfield    Holy Communion [BCP/said]

9.30am     Combe         All Age Worship

11am Stonesfield    All Age Worship

 Ash Wednesday 5 March

9.30am     Stonesfield   Holy Communion with ashing

11am Combe         Holy Communion with ashing


Sunday 9 March [Lent 1]

8am         Stonesfield    Holy Communion [BCP/said]

9.30am   Combe          Parish Communion

11am Stonesfield    Parish Communion


Sunday 16 March [Lent 2]

8am        Stonesfield    Holy Communion [BCP/said]

9.30am   Combe         Parish Communion

11am Stonesfield   Parish Communion

5pm        Combe          Evensong

 Wednesday 19th March

11am  Combe         Morning Prayer


Sunday 23 March [Lent 3]

8am         Stonesfield   Holy Communion [BCP/said]

9.30am    Combe        Parish Communion

10am Stonesfield    Parish Communion followed by APCM


Sunday 30 March [Mothering Sunday]

8am                Stonesfield    Holy Communion [BCP/said]

9.30am           Combe           All Age Worship

11am Stonesfield    All Age Worship


Wednesdays in March

9.30am        Stonesfield    Holy Communion (every week

11am Combe          5th as above, Morning Prayer 19th March