Giving to the church
Thank you for your generous giving to the St Laurence Church.
Giving is a tangible expression of thanks to God for our salvation in Jesus and the blessings we receive. It is not just about money. The Gospels challenge us to be generous in every aspect of our lives. Generosity is also about offering hospitality, giving our time and using our skills in the service of others. And not just in our churches, but also in our homes, our work places and communities – well beyond family and friends.
We can’t do what we do without the faithful financial support of parishioners and friends of St Laurence Church.
If you would like to support Combe Church financially then please consider the following methods:
Regular giving is by far the best way of donating money to the church, because:
It is easy to administer;
It helps us to plan our budget as we know how much money will be coming in; and
If you are a tax payer a further 25% tax refund can be claimed, making your gift worth even more.
The Parish Giving Scheme
The Church is registered with the Parish Giving Scheme through which you can arrange for a regular monthly donation (by direct debit) to be paid to the Church. This scheme will also arrange for Gift Aid to be collected and reinbursed to the Church. To register with the scheme please use the link below, or telephone 0333 002 1271 to reqister quoting our Parish Reference Number: 270627275.
The scheme will also enable one off donations to be made to the Church
Collections during Services
We no longer take collections during services however there is a plate at the back of the church if you would like to make a cash or cheque donation to the church after services.
Alternatively there are QR codes displayed on each pew, and again at the back of the church which can used to access the St Laurence Church giving website for donations.
Gifts in Wills are a natural part of Christian giving. Leaving a proportion of your estate to St Laurence’s church is a valuable gift for the future, for which we are grateful. Any gift to the church in your Will is exempt from any inheritance tax payable on your estate.
If you would like to chat about the sorts of purposes your gift might fund, our Treasurer Linda Soderberg will be pleased to discuss the wording suggested by the Diocese of Oxford that your will maker or solicitor will need when writing or amending your Will.
To begin regular giving or for additional information, please contact our Treasurer. Linda Soderberg